Good Green Choice

A journey in becoming more sustainable.

Hi, my name is Anika Firehammer! I am passionate about helping people become the change they wish to see in the world. I have created this website to help you embrace fashion that’s kind to the earth and its people. From mindful shopping options to caring for what you already own, I will provide you with insights and tips for building a wardrobe that reflects your values.

I have felt a huge guilt in living and taking part in the unsustainable part of this world, and maybe you do too since you are here. I have vowed to become more sustainable in little ways, helping other people on this journey as well. Please go explore this page and learn about the impacts that fast fashion has on the planet, the individual, and the collective. Here I post ways you can become more sustainable in your fashion choices, from upcycling clothing to posting reliable sustainable brands you can buy from.

I would consider slow fashion a way of rejecting the way of this world, a form of activism you could say. The idealization and normalicy of the fast-and-cheap cycle eveyone seems to be on is officially canceled (even though cancel culture is toxic, inform your friends who take part). Chose goodness, choose slowness. With time and commitment comes change. Belive, stay true, and commit yourself to making a positive impact on this world, your words and actions radiate through the earth. Rippling into the lives of others.

Thank you for being here, I love you! I love your commitment to the good, and thank you for becoming a part of the Good Green Choice family. We are stronger together.

Share this with friends, family, and those who care <3

^Learn more about me on my “About Me” page^

All the best to you, from me

-Anika Firehammer.